Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Check for Worn Wheel Bearings

How to Check for Worn Wheel Bearings

Wheel bearings are important parts of the suspension system of your vehicle. They help support the weight of your vehicle and allow the steering wheel to rotate with the least amount of friction. Like all automobile parts, wheel bearings wear out over time. Worn wheel bearings can be dangerous and must be replaced immediately. Driving with severely worn-out wheel bearings can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.



    Feel for vibrations or wobbling from your steering wheel while you drive. Your steering wheel will shake and sometimes cause you to pull your car to the side when you apply your brakes.


    Listen for a squealing noise that gets louder as your car picks accelerates. Hearing this noise coming from your tires or steering wheel indicates that the wheel bearings are worn.


    Listen for grinding noises coming from the steering wheel as you drive. A grinding noise is the most common noise youll hear and is indicative of worn-out wheel bearings.


    Feel for looseness in the wheel while driving. Any looseness indicates a worn-out wheel bearing.

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