Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rear Disc Brake Tools

Rear Disc Brake Tools

The rear disc brake on an automobile requires the use of a variety of specialty tools, when repairing or replacing it. Many of these tools are available at most auto parts stores, but some need to be ordered, or purchased, through an automotive tool supplier.

Disc Brake Piston Tool

    The disc brake piston tool is used to adjust the rear disc brakes on automobiles. This disc brake piston tool is used with a wrench and driver set. The piston tool looks like a cylinder, which fits around the piston and has a square hole, located in the middle of the cylinder, where the driver fits in place.

Rear Brake Caliper Kit

    Rear brake caliper kits are used on rear disc brakes, where the pistons are tied to the parking brake. When the pistons and parking brake are tied together, it requires the parking brake to be turned and pushed back, in order to gain access to the rest of the brake systems. It comes with different size adapters, in order to fit most domestic and import automobiles.

Disc Brake Caliper Spreader

    The disc brake caliper spreader is a tool used when the parking brake is not tied into the pistons. The caliper spreader is used to open the calipers, which hold, and press, the brake pads against the brake rotor. In order for the brake pads to be removed, the brake calipers need to be opened wide, or pressed open, with the caliper spreader. The disc brake caliper spreader looks like a small flat plate, with a rod and handle, which turns or screws, so the calipers can be pressed open.

Electronic Brake Fluid Tester

    The electronic brake fluid tester is used to check the moisture in the brake fluid. The brake fluid tester looks like a test tube that has LED lights, which inform the mechanic of the quality of the brake fluid. A little moisture in the brake fluid is acceptable, but this brake fluid tester has different colored lights, which tell how much moisture is in the brake fluid, so the mechanic can make a decision on whether to flush the rear brake lines and replace the fluid.

Brake Shoe Retaining Spring Tool

    The brake shoe retaining spring tool is a tool used on the rear disc brakes, to install or remove the retaining spring on the brake shoes. It comes with different size ends, which fit four different size springs. The brake-shoe retaining spring tool has a handle, located in the middle, so the mechanic can turn the tool.

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